How to use

How To Effectively Use The Epilyse Crystal Hair Eraser

Greetings! We're excited to ensure that your experience with our Epilyse Crystal Hair Eraser is nothing short of amazing.

To ensure a smooth and comfortable experience, we've compiled these helpful guidelines to help you tailor your skincare routine according to your unique skin sensitivity.

Our main goal? To prioritize your care and well-being throughout the entire process. Your satisfaction and well-being are our top priorities!


Getting your skin ready before using the Epilyse Crystal Hair Eraser is essential to ensure effective hair removal while keeping your skin healthy. Follow these guidelines for a positive and comfortable experience tailored to your skin's sensitivity.

OPTIMAL TIMING FOR NORMAL TO TOLERANT SKIN: If your skin falls within the normal to tolerant range, we recommend exfoliating one day prior to using the Epilyse Crystal Hair Eraser. This gentle exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and debris, leading to better results without compromising your skin's integrity.

CONSIDERATE APPROACH FOR SENSITIVE SKIN: For individuals with sensitive skin, we suggest exfoliating two days before using the Epilyse Crystal Hair Eraser. This longer interval gives your skin enough time to recover from exfoliation, reducing the risk of potential irritation or sensitivity during hair removal.

When exfoliating, choose a mild exfoliant and avoid harsh products or vigorous scrubbing to maintain your skin's delicate balance.

We always prioritize ensuring your skin stays calm and comfortable, particularly before using the Epilyse Crystal Hair Eraser. Emphasize gentle care and maintain a positive approach to nurturing your skin.


Your comfort and safety during the hair removal process are paramount to us. To ensure a pleasant experience, it's important to consider the following tips:

AVOID POTENTIAL TRIGGERS OR IRRITANTS: Steer clear of hot water, harsh soaps, or abrasive exfoliating scrubs between exfoliation and using your Epilyse Crystal Hair Eraser. These can exacerbate skin irritation.

ALLOW YOUR SKIN TO COOL DOWN: Make sure your skin has cooled down from activities like hot baths or sun exposure before using our Epilyse Crystal Hair Eraser. Cooling down helps reduce skin sensitivity.

AVOID SENSITIVE AREAS: Refrain from using the Epilyse Crystal Hair Eraser on already sensitive, irritated, or injured skin areas. Let your skin heal completely before proceeding with hair removal.

TAKE BREAKS IF NEEDED: If you experience excessive warmth or discomfort during the process, take a break and allow your skin to naturally cool down. Listen to your body and resume once the discomfort subsides and your skin returns to a comfortable state. Your comfort is our priority.


CATERING TO DIFFERENT SKIN SENSITIVITIES: We acknowledge that skin sensitivity levels vary among individuals, including those with extremely sensitive skin. If you fall into this category, it's crucial to note that even exfoliating two days before usage may necessitate extra precautions and a potentially longer interval to avoid potential irritation or sensitivity. We advise taking the time to assess your skin's needs and determining the best approach for you.

MINDFUL PRODUCT SELECTION: Regardless of your skin sensitivity level, it's prudent to check for potential allergens or irritants in any additional products you use before, during, and after the hair removal process. This includes exfoliating products, moisturizers, and shaving gel or cream. While hypoallergenic products are generally recommended for minimizing potential irritants, be mindful of any specific allergies you may have and take appropriate steps to address them when selecting products.

UNDERSTANDING NORMAL SENSATIONS: You may experience slight tugging or pulling, temporary redness, or mild stinging or tingling sensations during the hair removal process. These sensations are normal and typically subside shortly after completion. If you have sensitive skin, you may be more attuned to these sensations. Rest assured, they are generally harmless and a natural part of the hair removal process. Follow the instructions provided and consider any additional products for a comfortable and personalized experience.

MAXIMIZING YOUR HAIR REMOVAL: We aim to help you achieve optimal results with your hair removal process. It's important to note that using a shaving gel or cream alongside your Epilyse Crystal Hair Eraser may create a slight barrier between the eraser and your skin, potentially reducing its effectiveness compared to direct application on the skin. However, omitting the use of shaving gel or cream can minimize the potential for additional ingredients that may cause irritation or sensitivity, particularly if you have a history of sensitivity or allergies to certain products.